Social Media Management Agreement


The Social Media Management Agreement for Every Social Media Superstar!

Are you tired of using vague and complicated social media contracts? Do you want to avoid vague client expectations?

I have designed the ultimate Social Media Management Agreement for social media pros to protect their business, manage client expectations, and protect their money AND energy.

Here's why you need my social media management agreement:

  • Tailored for Social Media Managers: Crafted in collaboration with social media managers, this agreement covers all the challenges and potential issues social media managers face.

  • Clear scoping mechanism: It includes clear scoping provisions that can be tailored to specifically the content you create for your client. It includes important scope details, like:

    • the specific types of content you create for each client,

    • which specific accounts you manage,

    • frequency of each type of post, and

    • your reporting style and social media metrics.

    This is a MAJOR part, and I wrote a whole blog post about it: 10 Key Scoping Terms Every Your Social Media Management Agreement Template Must Have.

  • Flexible and Adaptable: Because of the constantly evolving social media landscape, your social media management agreement should be flexible and adaptable too! My template is easily customisable, allowing you to adapt your strategies and social media calendars to the unique needs of each client and account.

  • For all types of social media: The social media contract template can be used for all types of social media, like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Pinterest.

  • Payment structure for guaranteed payment: This social media agreement ensures you get paid in advance, and you are not required to do anything if your client does not pay you (on time).

  • Minimum period: You can set a minimum period that your clients must commit to you so that they can’t just walk away at the beginning of the process when all your hard work has not come to fruition yet.

  • Intellectual Property Protection: Your clients receive ownership of the content that is placed on their platforms while still safeguarding your creative genius so that you can use the same style and methods for your other clients.

You will receive this Social Media Management Agreement immediately after you have made your purchase.

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Who can use the Social Media Management Agreement?

This agreement can be used by any social media manager or agency that manages one or more social media accounts for their clients.

This agreement can NOT be used for social media marketing. For social media and other types of digital marketing services, you need my Digital Marketing Agreement which you can find on this page of my contract shop!