Group Coaching Contract


Coaching a whole group of clients involves a lot more dynamics and risks than just 1-on-1 coaching, as your clients will also interact with each other. 

My Group Coaching Contract Template is designed for a collaborative and supportive atmosphere conducive to growth and learning. It is not created to protect your business interests but to ensure you can uphold a positive coaching experience for everyone involved, with the power to eliminate copycats and snakes.

Why you want this Group Coaching Contract Template:

  1. Easy contracting system: The Group Coaching Contract Template is offered in the form of terms and conditions. That way, you can have your clients agree to your terms simply by submitting an application form without the awkwardness of having to (digitally) sign a contract you send by email.

  2. Disclaimers for your specific niche: Whether you are a life, health, fitness, business, relationship, real estate, accountability, or another type of coach, this template includes the disclaimers you need for your niche.

  3. Flexible payment options: This template includes multiple payment options. You can choose to only allow your client to pay the full fee upfront or offer payments in instalments (without getting full access to the entire coaching program).

  4. Refund policy: These terms and conditions include a comprehensive and transparent refund policy. You get to choose whether you want to offer refunds. If you do offer refunds, you can set the conditions under which your clients may qualify for a refund while protecting yourself from clients abusing your refund policy. 

  5. Clear scope specific to group coaching: Establish clear parameters for your group coaching program, including the duration and frequency of coaching calls/meetings. You can include a schedule while still having the flexibility to change it. 

  6. Protections against unacceptable behaviours: The contract includes all the tools you need to ensure you can protect your business and all your clients from bad apples that attempt to hurt you or your clients. It also includes safeguards so that your clients can not hold you liable for the bad behaviours of other clients within the group.

  7. Non-solicitation & prohibition to promote: Prevent opportunists from stealing your clients or promoting themselves or their businesses in any way.

  8. Intellectual property protection: This template will safeguard your proprietary coaching materials, including workbooks, templates, and other resources, from copycats. It includes protections against unauthorised use or reproduction to preserve the integrity of your unique coaching program.

Unlock the Potential of Your Group Coaching Business Today!

Empower yourself with the legal foundation necessary to thrive in your coaching career. This Group Coaching Contract Template provides the clarity, protection, and peace of mind you need to focus on what truly matters – guiding your clients toward their goals and facilitating meaningful connection and transformation.

Invest in the success of your group coaching business today and pave the way for a future filled with growth, impact, and prosperity.

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What this Group Coaching Contract can be used for:

You can use the Group Coaching Contract to coach multiple clients. 

This agreement can NOT be used for: 

(a) 1-on-1 coaching, meaning coaching that involves just one client at a time;

(b) one-off consultations; or

(c) online courses.

If you also provide 1-on-1 coaching services, then you need the 1-on-1 Coaching Agreement, which you can find on this page of my contract shop.

If you also provide one-off coaching calls that clients can schedule online through your online scheduler, make sure to get the Terms for Online Consultations on this page of my contract shop.

If you also have an online course, then you need the Terms and Conditions of Online Courses, which you can find on this page of my contract shop.