Freelance Agreement (for Hiring)


Introducing the ultimate Freelance Agreement for hiring a freelancer anywhere in the world!

Hiring freelancers online from anywhere in the world? Every freelance job is different, and there is no one size fits all freelance contract for freelancing in general, especially when hiring freelancers remotely.

My freelance agreement template offers flexibility that allows you to sculpt the template to your unique masterpiece, from terms, to remuneration, to specific intellectual property protections and more!

My contract templates are created to be used internationally, so your business does not run any risks from anywhere in the world.


  • Hire globally: Flexibility that allows you to sculpt the freelance agreement to all types of freelance jobs and your unique business needs

  • Clearly defined scope: Ensure that the freelancer understands the scope of work and responsibilities so the freelancer knows exactly what you expect

  • Indemnities: Ensure that you are not liable for legal mistakes or copyright infringements by the freelancer

  • Legal protection: Legal protection by outlining the terms of the agreement and specifying what happens in case of a dispute

  • Crystal-clear remuneration: No more payment ambiguities and claims with clear rates, invoicing process, and payment methods

  • No risk of employment taxes: Clearly state that the relationship is not an employment relationship (so the tax authorities will not assess it as an employment relationship based on the contract), including indemnities for the case where it is, in fact, an employment relationship (the freelancer carries the risk!)

  • Intellectual property protection (work for hire): Worldwide intellectual property protection, so anything the freelancer creates for you is yours only

  • Customisable: Can be customised to meet the unique needs of each freelance relationship

Don't leave your business at risk by not having a clear agreement in place. Protect your business with this Freelance Agreement drafted by an international lawyer.

Let this Freelance Agreement take care of the legalities, so you can focus on what really matters - getting high-quality services from your freelancers all over the globe.

You will receive the Freelance Agreement immediately after you have made your purchase.

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